Huge revelation: Finance Expert takes a probe into Tottenham financial situation, could lead to …..

Dan Plumley has insisted that it is positive that Tottenham took advantage of good financial rates given their league-topping debt was revealed.
It follows the disclosure that Spurs are currently paying interest fees totaling more than £20 million, with an average rate of 2.81%, following the revelation that the 2022–2023 accounts showed borrowings totaling £852.6 million.
While the stadium can generate enough revenue to cover its costs, the finance expert acknowledged that the figure is high.
“That perspective is correct,” he exclusively stated to Tottenham News.
“The total amount is quite high, to be sure, but consider the revenue the stadium can bring in from that; it more than makes up for the interest payments.”
The average rate is low in comparison to other third-party lenders we’ve seen, and Spurs were able to take advantage of favorable market conditions during the pandemic as well as favorable rates that weren’t available to other teams due to their long-standing business practices.
When you take into account everything, that’s a pretty good rate compared to other market rates. The stadium will eventually pay for itself, so don’t just focus on the absolute amount; look at the bigger picture as well. Overall, Spurs made a decent business decision.
“We know what they’re trying to do with that stadium in the long run, and that’s already seeing some success, so it goes back to the narrative of how well they have been run financially.”