sad news for ohio state buckeye: i want to leave
sad news for ohio state buckeye: i want to leave

Ohio State, Jim Tressel Concede to Wrongdoing:
It’s a Pitiful Day for Buckeye Football
The news that to begin with broke on Yahoo Sports is true—Coach Jim Tressel knew almost the infringement that at slightest two of his best players had been, and still were committing as early as April, 2010.
Initially, Tressel and the College said they knew nothing earlier to December, after the season and some time recently the Sugar Bowl.
Tragically, they lied.
I’d like to accept that Tressel and Ohio State are over this, but too bad, they are not. In reality, comparable circumstances exceptionally likely exist in nearly each enormous time DI college football program, but it ought to not have happened here, period.
Tressel is confronting a two-game suspension to begin the 2011 season and a $250,000 fine. These are self-imposed sanctions. The NCAA will get included and seem too increment the discipline for Tressel and the program.
Advance sanctions may incorporate more suspension time, misfortune of grants and probation. A bowl boycott, in any case, would appear over the top at this point, but maybe we do not know everything however. Ideally we do, but there’s no way to be beyond any doubt as of presently.
By and by, I have have to be be honest…I am shocked and exceptionally disillusioned in Tress.
Clearly, he didn’t grant the players cash, but he knew they did this and basically said nothing…
That being said, this is often nothing just like the USC circumstance, which I as it were say since I have as of now been hearing comparisons to USC in terms of what infringement were committed and in terms of what discipline OSU ought to get.
That’s past ridiculous. Ohio State and Tressel did not pay the players or purchase them hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of endowments (cars, homes, etc…).
They turned a daze eye to what THE PLAYERS THEMSELVES DID which was off-base, but numerous individuals (fans, haters and the media) are way exaggerating the “violations” committed and the discipline that ought to and will be given down by the NCAA.
I’m humiliated and embarrassed of the dark eye this has given to our program, but I am moreover hopeful that this will not happen here ever once more, at slightest as long as JT is at the rudder.